Dewy’s 24 Hour Readathon October Recap

This weekend was one of Dewy’s 24 hour readathons, and I decided to participate after enjoying the 24 hour reverse readathon this summer. The goal of the readathon is to read as much as you can during the 24 hours, with other people doing the same (it starts at the same time regardless of where you are in the world)! The challenge began at 8 AM on Saturday, October 26th, and finished at 8 AM on Sunday, October 27th. I wasn’t able to put as much effort into it as I ultimately would have liked because of homework, but I still got a good chunk of reading in. If you want to learn more about the readathon you can checkout the website here: It was announced on instagram that the next readathon will be on April 25th, 2020, starting at 8 AM.

My Time:

I ended up reading for 6 hours, 17 minutes, and 38 seconds during the 24 hour period. I used the timer on my phone to keep track of the time and the laps feature to keep track of how long I read during each session.

My Books:

I alternated between three books during the readathon, and I finished one of them during the readathon (I finished a second one on Sunday evening).

Books Finished:

  • Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman (5/5)

Books read:

  • Wiccan Magick: Inner Teachings of the Craft by Raven Grimassi (Finished after, 3/5)
  • Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas

A lot of people like to go into the readathon with a plan of books they’re going to read or want to start, but I just went with what I was already reading and then picked something random to continue on with. I think ultimately I would like to be the kind of person who plans my readathon reading ahead of time but I’m such a mood reader I don’t see that happening.

Overall Experience:

I really enjoyed the readathon, despite not being able to give by full effort towards it because of grad school homework. I really like the idea of a bunch of people coming together all over the world to read as much as possible. I also liked looking at the instagram check-ins and hourly photo challenges. I am defiantly looking forward to the next readathon!

QOTD: Do you participate in any readathon’s or reading challenges? If so which ones?

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